World No Tobacco Day - A Message from Dr. Girish Rao, An Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Director, Mukha Facial Surgery & Implant Center, Bangalore, India.
World No Tobacco Day - A Message from Dr. Girish Rao, An Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Director, Mukha Facial Surgery & Implant Center, Bangalore, India. Dr. Girish Rao, A Bangalore Based Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon helping people with Oral Cancer Prevention and Treatment has a very strong message. "Say NO to Tobacco and say Yes to Life". If you are suffering from non-healing mouth ulcers for more than 3 weeks, or you have any lumps in your mouth, or if you have burning sensation in your mouth or if you are finding difficult to open your mouth, you should get checked by your doctor or dentist as it could be a sinister condition for oral or mouth cancer. Oral Cancer if detected early is curable. For more information on Oral Cancer Prevention and care write to us on Visit us on Call us on +91 81234 36060 and 080 41737567 https://...